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The one God, the creator of the universe, chose to be born as a humble human man.

At the moment of human conception God creates a new soul that has never existed before and that will exist for all eternity.

Jesus loves you so much that he would have undergone his entire passion solely for the salvation of your soul.

God's most perfect creation is the Virgin Mary.

Mary perfectly submitted herself to God's will without once thinking of the cost to herself.

All Mary wants is to guide our souls to her son Jesus.

The definition of a saint is "someone who is in Heaven."

God wants every single person to be a saint.

Jesus founded the Catholic church, and the Catholic church is the only church or religion personally founded by God.

"Sin" means to disobey God's will for us as His creations.

All sin can ultimately be traced back to pride.

Humiliation can be very helpful spiritually because it teaches us not to be proud.

Jesus' Sacred Heart can transform every evil into an even greater good.

Jesus and Mary are the new Adam and Eve, who redeem humanity through their submission to God's will.

Every Catholic priest can trace the unbroken lineage of his ordination back to one of the twelve apostles who were ordained by Jesus.

Jesus truly does want us to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

Jesus is still physically present every day in every Catholic church in the consecrated host.

Even though Jesus loves us more than we can imagine, He is not loved in return as He should be by the people of the world.

The only thing that really matters in life is saving souls so they can spend eternity in Heaven with God.

God created all the angels, who are beings of pure spirit, at the beginning of time.

Because angels are beings of pure spirit, once they make a decision they are incapable of changing their mind.

In the first moment most angels chose, with their free will, to accept the task that God had created them for. Some did not.

God is perfectly just and perfectly merciful.

God is the only source of legitimate authority. Therefore any legitimate authority in our world must have been bestowed somehow by God. To obey legitimate authority is to be obedient to God, to disobey these authorities is to be disobedient to God.

God will never interfere with the free will of humanity.

Human beings are incapable of doing anything on our own, everything we have comes from God.

God wants us to trust Him like children, simply and with our whole heart and mind.

Suffering in this life is not necessarily an evil, it can be very meaningful. By using our free will to prayerfully offer our suffering up to God for His intentions, God can do great good for our soul and especially for the souls of others.

Just like we can ask our friends and family to pray for us, we can ask Mary or the saints in Heaven to pray for us.

The only way we have to be sure we will go to Heaven is to participate in and follow the teachings of the Catholic church which God founded for our benefit.

Every person has a unique guardian angel who God created at the beginning of time with the sole responsibility of watching over them and guiding them throughout their life.

There is no such thing as divorce.

Fathers have special responsibilities and authority over their families. Humanity was not afflicted with original sin because Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge but because Adam did.

Men and women each have unique spiritual charisms and vocations.

It is possible to know, purely through the use of reason, that God exists.

Theological truths are realities we could not know purely through reason that God has chosen to reveal to us.

God has revealed to us that He is a Trinity of three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Son proceeds from the Father, and the love between them is so perfect that a third person proceeds from them: the Holy Spirit.

It is impossible through our own effort to fully know God. Only God Himself is able to grant this vision. While we will never have it during our life on earth, one of the rewards of heaven is God granting us this Beatific Vision for all eternity.






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