33 Days to Morning Glory
The Immaculate Conception of Mary, the grace whereby she was conceived without the stain of original sin, is an incredible gift of mercy. What's remarkable is that Mary did nothing to deserve or merit this grace. It was a total gift -- won by the merits of her Son.
Jesus wants to include all of us in his work of salvation. In other words, he doesn't just redeem us and then expect us to kick back and relax. On the contrary he puts us to work. He wants all of us to labor in his Father's vineyard in one way or another.
Of course, that God wants to include us in his work of salvation is a great gift and glorious privilege.
... it's Mary's great God-given task, in union with and by the power of the Holy Spirit, to form every human being into "another Christ," that is, to unite everyone to the Body of Christ and form each person into a fully mature member of this Body. Therefore, every human being is invited to rest in the womb of Mary and be transformed there, by the power of the Holy Spirit, more perfectly into Christ's own image.
... the more fully we say yes to Mary, the more joyful she becomes. For our yes gives her the freedom to complete her work in us, the freedom to form us into great saints.